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Ask an Expert Live: Remembering the Crew of sts-107

National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution Independence Ave at 6th St, SW, Washington, DC, United States

Fourteen years ago on February 1, 2003, we lost Space Shuttle Columbia on re-entry to Earth’s atmosphere. Join us on Facebook Live as curator Jennifer Levasseur reflects on and remembers STS-107.

African American Pioneers in Aviation and Space Family Day

National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution Independence Ave at 6th St, SW, Washington, DC, United States

Celebrate Black History Month at our annual family day highlighting the significant contributions African Americans have made to flight and space exploration. This year's program will feature presentations by NASA astronaut Victor Glover, the East Coast Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen, Inc, and the "Tevin and the Tuskegee Airmen" puppet show. Learn more: http://s.si.edu/2jN2p3G

Ask an Expert Live: “Katherine Johnson and John Glenn’s Flight”

National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution Independence Ave at 6th St, SW, Washington, DC, United States

Join us for this week's Ask an Expert on Facebook Live as curator Michael Neufeld tells the story of John Glenn's historic flight 55 years ago in Friendship 7 and the role that Katherine Johnson and the other African American women mathematicians at NASA played in it. Tune in to this Facebook Live on Wednesday […]

Ask an Expert on Facebook Live: First Successful Spy Satellite

National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution Independence Ave at 6th St, SW, Washington, DC, United States

In this week's Ask an Expert Live, curator James David will discuss the Galactic Radiation and Background (GRAB) satellite, the world's first successful reconnaisance satellite. Tune in live on our Facebook page.

Ask an Expert on Facebook Live: Sojourner and Marie Curie Rovers

National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution Independence Ave at 6th St, SW, Washington, DC, United States

In this week's Ask an Expert Live, space history curator Matthew Shindell will discuss Sojourner and Marie Curie, the first Mars rovers. Tune in live on our Facebook page.

Ask an Expert Live: Dark Energy and the Big Throughput Camera

National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution Independence Ave at 6th St, SW, Washington, DC, United States

One of the biggest questions in astronomy is why the rate of expansion of our universe over time is increasing. It has led to speculation that a major component of the universe is something called "dark energy." In this week's Ask an Expert on Facebook Live, space history curator David DeVorkin will discuss this question, […]

Ask an Expert Live: “Getting Acquainted with Sally Ride”

National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution Independence Ave at 6th St, SW, Washington, DC, United States

In this week's Ask an Expert on Facebook Live, space history curator Valerie Neal will talk about Sally Ride, the first American woman in space. Tune in on our Facebook page.